I am going to attempt to join in on this years October Movie Challenge over on dvdtalk.com
if you are interested the challenge consist of watching 100 horror movies in 31 days that is about 3.5 movies a day. this challenge starts on the 1st of October and goes to the 31st but ends on November 1st.
for more info check out the thread.   
This will be attempted by me using Netflix to stream all movies.
This weekend we were in Tarzana and stopped CDTRADER. We picked up a 8 titles for about 50 bucks.

If you have dvds or blu-ray movies you do not want and just want to get rid of for free or cheap let me know. I am looking for anything I don't have so if you have anything please send an email to lueyh (at) yahoo(dot) com no spaces and change the word at to @ and dot to a period and in the message title put dvds for sale.

also don't forget to check out my want list as it is always changing
Been slowly updating all the pages as I have time throughout the day. So it is going slow but it will get done.
As you can see in the collections part of this site I am trying to add an IMDB link for every dvd I own it is a very boring process so it will get done as I have time. I will also be putting up a rating scale for the Movies and TV Shows I Have watched. I also rent a few DVDs a month so i will list those and will also make a wish list
I would like to welcome any and every one to my blog and site. Please be kind I am still setting things up. around here. In the mean time check out My dvd collection.